Card or VISA DebitCard – Making a Payment via Telephone

Call 1300 018 410 to use our telephone payment system and speak to one of our local consultants who will be able to assist you. Please have your Reference number followed by the amount payable (Card Payments incur a 1.5% surcharge).


Direct Debit – (Make an arrangement today)

Please call1300 018 410 or 08 8210 4400 and one of our consultants will be able to assist you. Alternatively you can complete our Direct Debit Request form by requesting one from [email protected]

Once complete please print sign and email to [email protected] or mail to GPO BOX 1126 Adelaide SA 5001


Direct Deposit- (Internet transfer)

Please ensure you use your Reference number detailed in the payment options section at the base of the letter received or in the SMS received.

Important: Please use your REFERENCE NUMBER in the description field, this is provided on the letter or SMS received.

Bank: NAB

A/CName: MercantileCPA Trust

BSB: 085 005  A/C No: 946021697


Please include your Reference number detailed in the payment options section of the letter received or in the SMS received when paying by cheque or money order payable to Mercantile CPA and send to GPO BOX 1126 Adelaide SA 5001

If you require any assistance during this process please call 1300 018 410 to speak to one of our local consultants.


CPA recommends an enhancement solution that goes beyond debt collection. It is widely noted that ongoing financial hardship is evidenced in late payments to our basic needs in life, such as water, energy, rent, mortgages and other everyday utilities and bills required for our standards of living. Therefore, CPA offers free financial assistance. T & C’s apply.

 For more information email us at [email protected].