• NO Joining Fees
  • NO Subscription Fees
  • Real-Time Reporting
  • We only get paid when you get paid

Our Debt Collection Services include:

  • Licensed local debt collection specialists
  • Litigation support and cost-effective recommendations
  • Skip Tracing
  • Field Calls
  • Demand Letters
  • Process Serving
  • Email demands
  • Negotiation
  • Mediation

Our company prides itself at being a proactive and flexible partner meeting our clients’ needs, CPA can deliver results from individual once off and small volume referrals, through to large ongoing portfolios.

Specialising in debt recovery and insolvency procedures, our legal advisory team can offer a full range of litigation services across all jurisdictions throughout Australia. Not only does this ensure a fast and efficient advice and service, but it also means that legal costs are controlled and minimised accordingly. 

Our legal partners are highly experienced and accredited professionals with a proven track record in standard and complex litigation matters.